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1. News reports

ISFM materials library usage up

22 October 2015 During the period from June to September 2015 there were 923 downloads made from the ASHC website – primarily from the ISFM materials library.  This is nearly a fourfold increase on the preceding 4 months where only 225 downloads were reported. James Watiti project manager for ASHC commented: “We are seeing a strong […]

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Groundnut & sweet potato cropping guides

During the next 2 years ASHC will be adding two new titles to its series of ISFM system cropping guide series.  The guide to groundnut is due for publication in May 2016 and the sweet potato the following year. Over the past four years cropping guides have beeen produced for rice, cassava: legumes; maize:legumes; sorghum & millet […]

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OFRA communications strategy published

OFRA has developed its communication strategy to guide its efforts in optimizing fertilizer use within an integrated soil fertility management context in the 13 countries that it works in. The OFRA Communication Strategy was developed in close collaboration with the Africa Soil Health Consortium project team, the OFRA implementing team together with its principal investigators. Target […]

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Shujaaz reports on maharage bingwa social media

In August 2015  Shujaaz published the first Maharage Bingwa campaign materials. They produced a 6-page story in the Tanzania version of the comic and supported this with social media. The first story featured a hustle – a real champion bean grower who was visited by the comic book hero DJ-Tee. The objective of the comic campaign was […]

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Shujaaz and maharage bingwa – August campaign

In August Shujaaz published the first Maharage Bingwa campaign materials. They produced a 6-page story in the Tanzania version of the comic and supported this with social media. The first story featured a hustle – a real champion bean grower who was visited by the comic book hero DJ-Tee. The objective of the comic campaign was for […]

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New OFRA project manager

CABI is very pleased to announce that Dr Wondimu Bayu has started work as the the new project manager for OFRA. In addition he will also work in CABI’s Africa Soil Health Consortium (ASHC) where he will provide technical backstopping with a focus on material development and scale-up campaigns related to fertilizer use in the […]

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OFRA: Visiting scientist opportunities

Linking Model Use with Spatial Information for Improved Extrapolation of Soil Management Information: Visiting scientist opportunities The project Optimizing Fertilizer Recommendations in Africa (OFRA) is developing the capacity for much enhanced farmer profitability resulting from fertilizer use. Decisions are made in consideration of financial, environmental, and cropping system aspects of the individual farmer’s context. OFRA is […]

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Tanzania legume campaign planned for 2015

“The next common bean planting-season in Tanzania will take place in October 2015, but it will be unlike any other,” explains Japhet Emmanuel of Farm Radio International.  “This year a consortium of organizations is coming together to put in place a fully integrated campaign with a 16 week radio series at its core.” James Watiti of […]

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ASHC website gets new tools section

‘The ASHC website is being overhauled to make it more user-friendly” noted James Watiti, from ASHC. He explains, a big commitment within ASHC is to support the development of ISFM materials using tools developed by the ASHC team and their partners.  We have pulled all of these tools together into one section of the website.” […]

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OFRA team shares research protocol document

OFRA has been carrying out a series of trials to establish fertilizer response curves in different agro-ecological zones across 13 sub-Saharan countries. The trials have all be undertaken following a set of standard protocols. Martin Macharia explains: “Crop nutrient response functions for major food crops are essential to optimizing fertilizer recommendations for these crops. Having […]

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