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4 Communication Tools

The Communication Tools offer hints and advice to you create farmer-friendly ISFM information resources:

  • The Media production guides give practical advice on how to make the best possible information in range of different format including print and radio.
  • Policy briefs show how policy changes could help deliver more effective development projects
  • Literature reviews give useful background context and information for the production of farmer-level information, these reports offer useful references to follow-up to give evidence for what has, or has not, worked elsewhere.
  • Templates will soon be available to help you design posters, leaflets and other printed communications materials
  • The photo kits – sets of photographs and illustrations taken by the ASHC team and available for use.

Ghana Story Map:

  • Ghana 2017 and 2018 village-based film screening soybean campaign: This story map shows the location of nearly 300 screenings across Northern Ghana. The reach and gender breakdown of the screenings is easily seen, along with the language spoken by each settlement.
    Known agro-dealers have been added to the map to help future projects to see the link between information and input dealers.

Tanzania Story Maps:

  • SILT Project activities around Legume Technology Project 1, devised and delivered with Farm Radio International and AFAP, was ‘Scaling Improved Legume Technologies’. It looked specifically and soybean and common bean agronomy and input and output markets.

Also don’t forget that the materials library contains around 400 examples of materials that can be easily searched, downloaded and customised.