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Duncan Sones

ISFM materials library usage up

22 October 2015 During the period from June to September 2015 there were 923 downloads made from the ASHC website – primarily from the ISFM materials library.  This is nearly a fourfold increase on the preceding 4 months where only 225 downloads were reported. James Watiti project manager for ASHC commented: “We are seeing a strong […]

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Groundnut & sweet potato cropping guides

During the next 2 years ASHC will be adding two new titles to its series of ISFM system cropping guide series.  The guide to groundnut is due for publication in May 2016 and the sweet potato the following year. Over the past four years cropping guides have beeen produced for rice, cassava: legumes; maize:legumes; sorghum & millet […]

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Better together: Joining the Allliance

The Legume Alliance is based on a strong partnership model that also views partners from an information supply chain perspective thus anticipating their roles as knowledge partners, intermediary partners, and last-mile or end-user partners. The last role in this perspective will include organizations that aggregate and group farmers into organized units for intervention. The current […]

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The story so far…

The Legume Alliance was first mooted as an idea in March this year. The project then got underway a couple of months latter. Looking back over the period from June to September we have made great progress together. This is what we have done: Produced a country profile for Tanzania Produced an information needs assessment […]

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FIPS-Africa to pilot Legume Alliance materials

FIPS-Africa is working in South Tanzania. In the area around Mbeya the main common bean season is in November/December with a second season in March. In the North the season starts in October and is very short. This gives the Legume Alliance the potential to enhance its pilot stage activity. FIPS-Africa will use its network […]

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Membership of Legume Alliance grows…

The Legume Alliance is a consortium of the willing. We are please to share the information that Wageningen University, Farm Inputs Services – Africa (FIPS-Africa) and the Selian Agricultural Research Institution (SARI) have agreed to become partners.

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Soya Njano is the bean for home consumption…

A short radio series called INUKA was developed to start conversations with bean farmers in Tanzania. It was broadcast on Radio Free Africa, a station with nationwide coverage in Tanzania. The sixth  episode was broadcast on Sunday 12 July 2015 between 7:00 – 7:30 pm. It was commissioned by N2Africa and production co-ordinated by Farm […]

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Farmers’ views on bean marketing …

A short radio series called INUKA was developed to start conversations with bean farmers in Tanzania. It was broadcast on Radio Free Africa, a station with nationwide coverage in Tanzania. The third episode was broadcast on Sunday 21 June 2015 between  7:00 – 7:30 pm. It was commissioned by N2Africa and production co-ordinated by Farm […]

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What N2Africa learned about storage…

A short radio series called INUKA was developed to start conversations with bean farmers in Tanzania. It was broadcast on Radio Free Africa, a station with nationwide coverage in Tanzania. The fourth episode was broadcast onSunday June 28 , 2015 between 7:00 – 7:30pm. It was commissioned by N2Africa and production co-ordinated by Farm Radio […]

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What N2Africa learned about fertilizing beans

A short radio series called INUKA was developed to start conversations with bean farmers in Tanzania. It was broadcast on Radio Free Africa, a station with nationwide coverage in Tanzania. The third episode was broadcast on Sunday 21 June 2015 between  7:00 – 7:30 pm. It was commissioned by N2Africa and production co-ordinated by Farm […]

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