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The story so far…

The Legume Alliance was first mooted as an idea in March this year. The project then got underway a couple of months latter. Looking back over the period from June to September we have made great progress together. This is what we have done:

  • Produced a country profile for Tanzania
  • Produced an information needs assessment
  • Produced a scoping document and mapped existing legume activity in Tanzania
  • Established and maintain the Legume Alliance to work on a bean campaign
  • Created a campaign brand in Maharage BingwaChampion Beans
  • Established a monitoring, learning and evaluation framework for the Alliance work program as a proto type for future similar campaign activity
  • Developed a technical brief
  • From the technical brief created messages for smallholder farming families including:
    • a youth-orientated media campaign (comics and social media)
    • a radio campaign
    • support materials for use within agro-dealerships
    • support materials for use by extension teams
    • a pilot information brokerage approach with over 4,000 bean farmers contact details being built into a database
    • content for SMS and voice information products
  • Undertook prototype testing and planned piloting of materials
  • Built awareness of the work of the Legume Alliance amongst peers and organizations working in Tanzania and internationally through conference presentations by partners
  • Consolidated some lessons from this activity
  • Designed a monitoring learning and evaluation framework for the project
  • Raised additional funds
  • Seen new partners ask to join the Legume Alliance

The Legume Alliance should be proud of what it has achieved so far – but we still have a long way to go before we are making a big impact on farming families in Tanzania.