Inoculate soybean using Nodumax-Tiv
- Summary:
Poster showing step by step process of inoculating soybean using Nodumax.
- Languages:
- Tiv
Inoculate soybean using Nodumax-Yoruba
- Summary:
Poster showing step by step process of inoculating soybean using Nodumax.
- Languages:
- Yoruba
Inoculate soybean using Nodumax – Hausa
- Summary:
Poster showing step by step process of inoculating soybean using Nodumax.
- Languages:
- Hausa
Grow better soybean illustrated poster
- Summary:
Grow better soybean is an illustrated A3 poster giving information on growing soybeans. It was produced in partnership with IntrioSynergy for a soybean campaign in Nigeria. It outlines practical steps for soybean production from land preparation to post-harvest.
- Languages:
- English
Grow better soybean poster-Tiv
- Summary:
Grow better soybean is an illustrated A3 poster giving information on growing soybeans. It was produced in partnership with IntrioSynergy for a soybean campaign in Nigeria. It outlines practical steps for soybean production from land preparation to post-harvest.
- Languages:
- Tiv
Grow better soybean poster – Yoruba
- Summary:
Grow better soybean is an illustrated A3 poster giving information on growing soybeans. It was produced in partnership with IntrioSynergy for a soybean campaign in Nigeria. It outlines practical steps for soybean production from land preparation to post-harvest.
- Languages:
- Yoruba
Grow better soybean poster – Hausa
- Summary:
Grow better soybean is an illustrated A3 poster giving information on growing soybeans. It was produced in partnership with IntrioSynergy for a soybean campaign in Nigeria. It outlines practical steps for soybean production from land preparation to post-harvest.
- Languages:
- Hausa
Ghana 2017 soybean agro-dealer banner
- Summary:
Banner designed to support agro-dealers to promote inputs distributed as part of the capacity building process in Ghana agro-dealers co-developed by CABI and Green-Ef with the support of IITA.
- Languages:
- English
ASHC flash card design template
- Summary:
ASHC has developed a series of print design template in PowerPoint. Products available currently include:
- ASHC leaflet design template
- ASHC poster design template
- ASHC calendar design template
- ASHC flash card design template
Flash cards are usually A4 or A3 sets of materials that are used by trainers to illustrate the training they are delivering.
The flash card template has brief guidance notes that will help to make decision about technologies that are suitable for promotion, selecting colours, images and editing text to meet the requirements of the audience for the flash cards.
- Languages:
- English
ASHC leaflet design template
- Summary:
ASHC has developed a series of print design template in PowerPoint. Products available currently include:
- ASHC leaflet design template
- ASHC poster design template
- ASHC calendar design template
- ASHC flash card design template
The leaflet template has brief guidance notes that will help to make decision about technologies that are suitable for promotion, selecting colours, images and editing text to meet the requirements of the audience for the leaflet.
- Languages:
- English