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SMS warned farmers of late rain & stalk borer

13 July 2017: How ICT build farmer resilience through agricultural technologies… A CABI-led SMS campaign has been commended for its ability to provide farmers with timely information to enhance farmer resilience to challenges caused by climate change and pests and diseases. The campaign is carried out in the Southern Highlands of Tanzania as part of the UPTAKE project. The […]

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1.75 million SMSs push UPTAKE of new technologies

10 July 2017: Stephanie Gakuo, UPTAKE project manager reflects on the progress and emerging lessons from the project and the recent SMS campaigns. The full name of the UPTAKE project is Upscaling Agricultural Technologies through Knowledge and Extension. The agricultural technologies include a combination of the use of inputs that include  seed, fertilizer and pest and disease control technologies, along with the promotion […]

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