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Organic material

Grow bananas better – extension guide


The Grow Bananas Better extension guide targets trainers in ISFM in Uganda and highlights good agronomic practices for banana production. Its content structure and design promotes interaction between trainers and farmers, making room for practical and follow up sessions.

It was developed in partnership with the National Agricultural Research Organisation (NARO), Bioversity, IITA, scaling agents, extension and farmer representatives, using a writeshop process.

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Potato production manual


Mwongozo wa teknolojia za uzalishaji wa viazi mviringo Tanzania is an output of Upsaling Technologies in Agriculture through Knowledge and Extension (UPTAKE) project financed by IFAD and implemented by FRI and CABI. This 47 page manual gives information to farmers and stakeholders in potato production on good agronomic practices to consider when cultivating potatoes.

Swahili / Kiswahili
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Cassava production manual


Mwongozo wa uzalishaji wa zao la muhogo Tanzania is an output of Upsaling Technologies in Agriculture through Knowledge and Extension (UPTAKE) project financed by IFAD and implemented by FRI and CABI. This 29 page manual gives information to farmers and stakeholders in cassava production on good agronomic practices to consider when cultivating cassava.

Swahili / Kiswahili
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Potato 48 message SMS campaign


This potato SMS campaign was developed as part of the UPTAKE project (Up-scaling Technology in Agriculture through Knowledge and Extension). This project is exploring how SMS and radio can work together to support adoption of technology leading to increased productivity and food security, along with improved livelihoods for small-scale farming household.

Radio partners: Farm Radio International

Other partners: ARI Uyole, private seed companies (Meru Agrotours, Highland seed and Beula seed company), Ministry of Agriculture DAICOS

This 62-message campaign ran in late 2017/early 2018 in Southern Tanzania.

Swahili / Kiswahili
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Bean 59 message SMS campaign


This bean SMS campaign was developed as part of the UPTAKE project (Up-scaling Technology in Agriculture through Knowledge and Extension). This project is exploring how SMS and radio can work together to support adoption of technology leading to increased productivity and food security, along with improved livelihoods for small-scale farming household.

Radio partners: Farm Radio International

Other partners: ARI Uyole, private seed companies (Meru Agrotours, Highland seed and Beula seed company), Ministry of Agriculture DAICOS

This 59-message campaign ran in early 2018 in Southern Tanzania.

Swahili / Kiswahili
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Ghana 2017 (long) farmer soybean leaflet


This 8 page A5 leaflet explains the key principles for growing soybean in Northern Ghana.

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Sorghum & millet-legume (b&w) cropping guide – Portuguese


A practical 64-page A5 manual focusing on good agricultural practices for sorghum and millet production incorporating integrated soil fertility management techniques and practices. Produced by ASHC.

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Sorghum & millet-legume (colour) cropping guide – Portuguese


A practical 92-page A5 manual focusing on good agricultural practices for sorghum and millet production incorporating integrated soil fertility management techniques and practices. Produced by ASHC.

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Northern Ghana Soybean Technical Brief 2017


A summary of all of the main stages of soybean development and the application of improved technologies including improved seed, inoculant and P fertilizer.

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