Como…produzir planos de divulgação
- Summary:
6 x A4 page Portuguese handout on how to produce a dissemination plan to scale-up ISFM approaches. Produced by ASHC.
- Languages:
- Portuguese
Como…usando a metodologia do writeshop
- Summary:
6 x A4 page hand-out on how to generate messages for farmer friendly ISFM materials using a write-shop approach. Produced by the ASHC team.
- Languages:
- Portuguese
Como…produzir informação impressa acessível aos agricultores
- Summary:
4 x A4 page Portuguese hand-out explaining how to…produce farmer-friendly printed information. Participants at ASHC write-shops in Ghana produced the contents through a workshop process.
- Languages:
- Portuguese
Como…produzir mensagens de SMS acessíveis ao produtor
- Summary:
3 x A4 page Portuguese handout called how to... produce farmer-friendly text messages for extension campaigns. The ASHC team produced this material at the technical advisory group pre-meeting in February 2013 through a write-shop process.
- Languages:
- Portuguese
Como….desenvolver material impresso para agricultores com baixo nível de alfabetização
- Summary:
2x A4 page handout on how to develop print material for low-literacy farmers. Portuguese translation
- Languages:
- Portuguese
Como….escrever um bom estudo de caso
- Summary:
5 x A4 page hand-out called how to write a good case study or success story is for advocacy purposes or to document a projects impact. Produced by ASHC team, Portuguese translation.
- Languages:
- Portuguese
Como fazer o pré teste de materiais de extensão com os pequenos produtores
- Summary:
5 x A4 page hand-out explaining how to…pre-test extension materials with smallholder farmers. Produced by the IFDC, edited by ASHC. Portuguese translation
- Languages:
- Portuguese
ASHC infographic
- Summary:
Summary of the phase 1 ASHC project achievements
- Languages:
- English
Inoculation of legumes (Zimbabwe) – hand-out
- Summary:
A 2-page hand-out that explains to farmers the process of inoculation (adding rhizobia inoculant to seed). It is important that farmers inoculate their crops properly, to ensure that the productivity gains are felt and this hand-out covers all the important issues. Published by N2Africa 14/4/2014.
- Languages:
- English
Moisture conservation in arable lands – handout
- Summary:
A 2-page hand-out explaining how to make maximum use of available moisture and retain as much moisture as possible in the soil, sections include:
- Early deep planting
- Manure and compost
- Ridging and tie ridging
- Pot holing
- Ripping
- Conservation tillage
- Fertility trenches
- Cropping
Published by N2Africa on 14/4/2014.
- Languages:
- English