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Common bean

Nutri Beans poster


The nutri beans poster targets school going children in Uganda and highlights the nutritional importance of consuming nutri beans.

It was developed in partnership with the National Agricultural Research Organisation (NARO),  ASHC and Mango Tree, in an effort to consolidate research and learning of the Agricultural Technology and Agribusiness Advisory Services (ATAAS) project’s lifetime.

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Nutri Bean booklet


The nutri bean booklet targets school going children in Uganda and highlights the nutritional importance of consuming nutri beans.

It was developed in partnership with the National Agricultural Research Organisation (NARO),  ASHC and Mango Tree, in an effort to consolidate research and learning of the Agricultural Technology and Agribusiness Advisory Services (ATAAS) project’s lifetime.

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Nutri Beans story set


The nutri beans story set is a chart targeting school going children in Uganda and highlights the nutritional importance of consuming nutri beans in a story telling format.

It was developed in partnership with the National Agricultural Research Organisation (NARO),  ASHC and Mango Tree, in an effort to consolidate research and learning of the Agricultural Technology and Agribusiness Advisory Services (ATAAS) project’s lifetime.


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Tanzania focus group discussions report


The report on focus group discussion in Tanzania has the following components:

  • Synthesis of the FGDs
  • Use of improved seed varieties
  • Use of chemical fertilizer and manure
  • Use of inoculants
  • Pests and diseases in common bean and soybean
  • Marketing/sales of common bean and soybean
  • Use of technologies of storage
  • information sources on agriculture for households
  • Awareness and adoption of technologies
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Tanzania Intra-household survey report – Baseline study


The report focusing on integrating multi-media communication approaches and input brokerage has the following components:

Back ground

Study objectives


  • Research questions
  • Research hypotheses


  • Household characteristics
  • Crop production and cropping systems

Sources of agricultural information

  • Major sources of agricultural information
  • Ranking information sources
  • Agricultural information sources by crop
  • Awareness of agricultural practices
  • Information sharing within the household

Bean and soybean campaign

  • Sources of information on common bean and soybean
  • Awareness of common bean and soybean practices
  • Common bean and soybean practices applied by farmers
  • Reasons for failure to use known common bean and soybean practices

Insights from the study

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Tanzania common bean and soybean campaign report


The report focusing on integrating multi-media communication approaches and input brokerage has the following components:

Campaign approach

Technical brief

Geographic covereage

Campaign elements

  • Demo plots
  • FIPS village-based advisors
  • Radio
  • Print materials
  • Capacity building

Summary of reach

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Beans, a family affair: A drama about women growing and marketing common beans — Part 5


Beans, a family affair is a five-episode drama about a group of women who persevere against difficulties to achieve success. The women belong to a village savings or vicoba group in Tanzania, and all of them grow common beans. Women do most of the field work for common beans. But, because of the traditional gender roles in their community, men make all the post-harvest decisions, including selling the beans and controlling the income.

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Beans, a family affair: A drama about women growing and marketing common beans — Part 4


Beans, a family affair is a five-episode drama about a group of women who persevere against difficulties to achieve success. The women belong to a village savings or vicoba group in Tanzania, and all of them grow common beans. Women do most of the field work for common beans. But, because of the traditional gender roles in their community, men make all the post-harvest decisions, including selling the beans and controlling the income.

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Beans, a family affair: A drama about women growing and marketing common beans — Part 3


Beans, a family affair is a five-episode drama about a group of women who persevere against difficulties to achieve success. The women belong to a village savings or vicoba group in Tanzania, and all of them grow common beans. Women do most of the field work for common beans. But, because of the traditional gender roles in their community, men make all the post-harvest decisions, including selling the beans and controlling the income.

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Beans, a family affair: A drama about women growing and marketing common beans — Part 2


Beans, a family affair is a five-episode drama about a group of women who persevere against difficulties to achieve success. The women belong to a village savings or vicoba group in Tanzania, and all of them grow common beans. Women do most of the field work for common beans. But, because of the traditional gender roles in their community, men make all the post-harvest decisions, including selling the beans and controlling the income.

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