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Cassava Brown Streak Disease flip chart


The cassava BSD chart targets trainers in ISFM in Uganda and highlights the symptoms of  brown streak on leaves stems and roots, its spread, prevention and control.

It was developed in partnership with the National Agricultural Research Organisation (NARO),  ASHC and Mango Tree, in an effort to consolidate research and learning of the Agricultural Technology and Agribusiness Advisory Services (ATAAS) project’s lifetime.

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Cassava agronomy flip chart


The cassava agronomy chart targets trainers in ISFM in Uganda and highlights the steps of cassava production, from land preparation to harvest and storage.

It was developed in partnership with the National Agricultural Research Organisation (NARO),  ASHC and Mango Tree, in an effort to consolidate research and learning of the Agricultural Technology and Agribusiness Advisory Services (ATAAS) project’s lifetime.

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Maize & cassava message SMS campaign


This maize and cassava SMS campaign was developed as part of the UPTAKE project (Up-scaling Technology in Agriculture through Knowledge and Extension). This project is exploring how SMS and radio can work together to support adoption of technology leading to increased productivity and food security, along with improved livelihoods for small-scale farming household.

Radio partners: Farm Radio International

Other partners: Tanzania Agricultural Research Institute (TARI), MEDA

This message campaign ran in 2019 in Southern Tanzania for maize and in Eastern zone for cassava.

English, Swahili / Kiswahili
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Cassava production manual


Mwongozo wa uzalishaji wa zao la muhogo Tanzania is an output of Upsaling Technologies in Agriculture through Knowledge and Extension (UPTAKE) project financed by IFAD and implemented by FRI and CABI. This 29 page manual gives information to farmers and stakeholders in cassava production on good agronomic practices to consider when cultivating cassava.

Swahili / Kiswahili
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Cassava seed production manual


Mwongozo wa uzalishaji wa mbegu bora za muhogo za daraja la kuazimiwa ubora is a cassava manual focusing on production of cassava seedlings. It discusses on the economic importance of cassava, challenges of growing it, appropriate times to cultivate, land preparation, varieties and their ecological zones, preserving and transporting cuttings, planting, fertilizer application, pests and diseases, harvesting, among others.

Swahili / Kiswahili
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FRI backgrounder: Cassava post-harvest activities


Post-harvest activities in cassava

Sections include:

  • Why is this subject important to listeners?
  • What are the big post-harvest challenges with cassava?
  • Gender aspects of post-harvest cassava activities
  • Key information about cassava post-harvest activities
  • Processing raw cassava roots into chips
  • Making High Quality Cassava Flour
  • Making cassava starch
  • New opportunities for processed cassava in Tanzania
  • Marketing
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OFRA Book on Fertilizer Use Optimization in Sub-Saharan Africa


Fertilizer Use Optimization in Sub-Saharan Africa is a 228 page book that provides a detailed explanation on optimizing fertilizer use within an Integrated Soil Fertility Management Framework in 13 African countries. The book is an output of the Optimizing Fertilizer Recommendations in Africa (OFRA) project, funded by AGRA.

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Cassava nutrient management guide


A 12-page guide that provides details of nutrient management practices necessary for cassava production. It focuses on fertilizer and organic matter use and good agricultural practices such as intercropping.

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Cassava 35 message SMS campaign


This cassava SMS campaign was developed as part of the UPTAKE project (Up-scaling Technology in Agriculture through Knowledge and Extension). This project is exploring how SMS and radio can work together to support adoption of technology leading to increased productivity and food security, along with improved livelihoods for small-scale farming household.

Radio partners: Farm Radio International and Uhuru FM Radio

SMS partners: CABI Africa Soil Health Consortium team and the D2F team working with Esoko

This 35-message campaign ran in 2016 in Northern Tanzania.

English, Swahili / Kiswahili
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Cassava system (b&w) cropping guide – Portuguese


The cassava system cropping guide-Portuguese is a practical 56 page manual focusing on good agricultural practices for cassava production that promote integrated soil fertility management. Produced by ASHC.

A colour, easy to print version is available - the text is the same but the format is A5.

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