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Event Date

5 Mar 2012

ASHC meeting with stakeholders in Ghana

Meeting: George Oduor met with a range of partners and stakeholders in organization in Ghana, to provide information on the progress with ASHC, seek partners and source proven ISFM materials. One other objectives of the meetings was to set up an information product-development workshop for key ASHC stakeholders in Ghana in April. Duration: 5-9 March 2012 Meetings […]

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Event Date

20 Feb 2012

ASHC Mali field visit

Duration: 20-22 February 2012 What we did: ASHC set up interviews in the field with the Ministry of Agriculture, the Agro-dealer Association and radio and tv stations, AGRA grantees undertaking ISFM projects, research institutions (IER and AfSIS) and both men and women farmers. Attenders:Delegate list Consortium contact: Collins Abuga  

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Event Date

13 Feb 2012

ASHC material information material development workshop – Bamako, Mali

Duration: 13-17 February 2012 What we did: ASHC held a practical workshop based on preset objectives, where participants explored the challenges of producing and disseminating ISFM information – including the best formats and channels for dissemination to user groups. The participants explored collaboratively designing and producing materials on ISFM technologies for disseminated and up-scaled. Attenders: Delegate list […]

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Event Date

9 Jan 2012

TSBF-CIAT & AGRA Soil Health Program workshop – Kenya

Workshop: TSBF-CIAT & AGRA Soil Health Program data analysis and manuscripts writing workshop Duration: 9-13 January 2012 What we did: ASHC team attended and participated in the agenda. The aims of the workshop were to help improve ISFM project to improve their reporting. The team raised the profile of ASHC and networked with the workshop participants (many of whom […]

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Event Date

14 Dec 2011

ASARECA General Assembly – Entebbe, Uganda

Conference: The Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in Eastern and Central Africa (ASARECA) General Assembly Duration: 14 -16 December 2011 Theme: Feeding our region in the 21st century What we did: Displayed ASHC information materials at a booth during the General Assembly Consortium contact: JaneFrances Asaba  

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Event Date

30 Nov 2011

ASHC material information material development workshop – Arusha, Tanzania

Workshop: ASHC material information material development workshop for product development teams (PDTs) What we did: Held a consultation and training for product development teams on development of knowledge products – workshop report Consortium contact: Caroline Nyakundi, or Jane Frances Asaba

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Event Date

23 Nov 2011

ASHC material information material development workshop – Tanzania

Workshop: Africa Soil Health Consortium write-shop for product development teams (PDTs) Duration: 23-25 November 2011 What we did: Held a consultation and training for product development teams on development of knowledge products –workshop report Consortium contact: Caroline Nyakundi, or JaneFrances Asaba  

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Event Date

21 Nov 2011

Soil Science Society of East Africa conference – Jinja, Uganda

Conference: Soil Science Society of East Africa (SSSEA) Duration: 21-25 November 2011 Theme: Strategic management of soil resources to climate change adaptation and mitigation for a prosperous East Africa region What we did: Rodney Lunduka made a presentation  The financial benefits of integrated soil fertility management    

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Event Date

15 Nov 2011

Innovations in extension and advisory services international conference Nairobi, Kenya

Conference: Innovations in extension and advisory services international conference Duration: 15-17 November 2011 Theme: Linking Knowledge to Policy and Action for Food and Livelihoods What we did: The consortium was represented on the CABI stand in the exhibition hall. Consortium contact: Dannie Romney, e-mail: and Paul Van Mele  

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Event Date

24 Oct 2011

CIALCA International Conference – Kigali, Rwanda

Duration: 24-27 October 2011 Themes: System components; system integration, drivers for adoption and knowledge-intensive approaches What we did: Lydia and Piet made a presentation Exploring the scope of fertilizer use in the East African region and produced a poster IRIN news report on CIALCA conference: includes quotes from the ASHC presentation Consortium contact: Lydia Wairegi, e-mail: and Piet van Asten

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