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ASHC meeting with stakeholders in Ghana

Meeting: George Oduor met with a range of partners and stakeholders in organization in Ghana, to provide information on the progress with ASHC, seek partners and source proven ISFM materials. One other objectives of the meetings was to set up an information product-development workshop for key ASHC stakeholders in Ghana in April.

Duration: 5-9 March 2012
Meetings included:


5 March am – Alliance for Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) and Council for Scientific and Industrial Research CSIR
5 March pm – Ministry or Food and Agriculture
6 March pm – Agro-dealers/ trade association
Purpose: to discuss how in soil fertility management information is received and disseminated to the their customers


8 March am – Savanna Agricultural Research Institute (SARI)
Purpose: to share information on-going ISFM initiative (project) especially on maize, lowland irrigated rice and/or sorghum/millet/cowpea cropping system)
8 March pm – Media
Purpose: explore how media can disseminate integrated soil fertility management information to their audiences


9 March pm – International Centre for Soil Improvement and Agricultural Development (IFDC)
Purpose: to share information on-going ISFM initiatives and explore possibilities of working together
Consortium contact: George Oduor, e-mail: