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Duncan Sones

With its finger on the pulse …

29 January  2016 UN Food and Agriculture Organization Year of Pulses The Africa Soil Health Consortium, a CABI managed project, is working to support partners to improve their communications to farmers and improve soil fertility in sub-Saharan Africa. Since the outset this has involved working with projects that encourage smallholder farming families to grow legumes […]

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Introducing Maharage Bingwa…

ASHC is pleased to share a new 4 page summary document called Introducing Maharage Bingwa. This sets out how the new consortium-based approach is being developed in Tanzania to promote improved legume technologies.

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COMPRO Newsletter published

The new COMPRO II Quality & Yield – Issue 12 is available now. The newsletter is produced by ASHC to support objective 4 of this IITA-led project supporting the commercialisation of a range of products. In this issue you will find items on: Building capacity to access to inoculant Promoting soybean and nutritional security crops together Increasing bio-fertiliser uptake […]

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ASHC summary of Tanzania campaign

The African Soil Health Consortium has produced a summary of the Maharage Bingwa (Champion Bean) campaign. ASHC Tanzania campaign summary This four-page document sets out how the partners are coming together to disseminate information on good agricultural practices relating to common beans. As reported early this adds to some other great information shared by other partners: […]

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Spreading the word on the FOT in Uganda

7 December 2015 Christine Alokit from CABI Uganda has been working with the OFRA team to raise awareness of the Fertilizer Optimisation Tool. Christine writes: “We wanted to get messages out to farmers about the opportunities presented by the Fertilizer Optimization Tool (FOT). This is a different way of presenting fertilizer recommendations to resource-constrained smallholder farmers.  It […]

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Phase 1 lessons shared in Newsletter on World Soil Day

The ASHC-newsletter-December- lessons from phase 1 is ready to share.  This 16 page issue was brought out to coincide with World Soil Day. The content includes: Christian Witt reflection on the progress of ASHC Partnership approaches add value Lesson 1: ASHC working with the private sector Lesson 2: Case notes on supporting IPNI to communicate better […]

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Funder reviews progress on ASHC phase 1

Christian Witt writes: As a grants officer within the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation all grants are important, but the Africa Soil Health Consortium grant was also personal. This grant was personal because for many years I was a soil research scientist working in the field. I knew that there were blocks in the research […]

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Partners share information on Legume Alliance

We are grateful to our friends at N2Africa for sharing information about the Legume Alliance and Farm Radio International for their audio postcard on Marahage Bingwa  

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New members for Alliance

The Legume Alliance is a consortium of the willing. We are please to share the information that Wageningen University, Farm Inputs Services – Africa (FIPS-Africa) and the Selian Agricultural Research Institution (SARI) have agreed to become partners.

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Report sets out challenges for farmer-friendly info

22 October 2015 Working with partner in the Legume Alliance in Tanzania, CABI has commissioned and published a report called an Information needs assessment: Tanzania  The report aims to do two things.  First, the team asked representatives or key groups and organizations how they accessed information on agricultural practices.  Secondly they reviewed some materials produced as part […]

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