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Duncan Sones

ISFM library proves popular

3 April 2017: ASHC In the last month the ISFM materials library has grown –  it now shares 462 different materials. The new titles have also seen an increase in the downloads. 495 materials were downloaded from the ISFM materials library between 2 March and 2 April 2017. The new OFRA book has proved popular – pushing them to the top of […]

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African Indigenous Vegetables Training Kit Shared

1 April 2017: Our colleagues at the Good Seed Initiative have produced what they call a module training set on the production of 9 African indigenous vegetables and seed. These can be downloaded for free from the ISFM materials library. African indigenous vegetables contribute significantly to the food security and nutrition of the majority of people […]

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Agronomy projects learn about Legume Alliance

31 March 2017: SILT & UPTAKE partners Farm Radio International, yesterday, played host to a visit from a group of Bill & Melinda Gates Funded agronomy projects today. The visiting projects cover maize and cassava (which are UPTAKE priority crops); legumes (which is the focus of the work in SILT, GALA and the focus of the […]

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Optimizing Fertilizer Use in West Africa

28 March 2017 Last week OFRA shared with you their exciting new publication – Optimizing Fertilizer Use in Sub-Saharan Africa. Now you can now download the chapters on fertilizer and ISFM, based on the research from the individual countries. Here are the chapters relating to West Africa. To download the chapters, follow the links in the table […]

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Optimizing Fertilizer Use in East & Southern Africa

28 March 2017 Last week OFRA shared with you their exciting new publication – Optimizing Fertilizer Use in Sub-Saharan Africa. Now you can now download the chapters on fertilizer and ISFM, based on the research from the individual countries. Here are the chapters relating to East and Southern Africa. To download the chapters,  follow the links […]

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ASHC Newsletter March 2017

26 March 2017: We have changed the way that we share information with you about the African Soil Health Consortium (ASHC). This quarterly e-newsletter will help you to understand how the new strategy is being implemented with news from the project: Gender and the Legume Alliance; OFRA; Scaling-up Improved Legume Technologies and UPTAKE. We are also launching a Twitter alert, so that, in future, you will be able […]

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5 new crop nutrient guides to download

24 March 2017 ASHC: 5 new guides provide details of nutrient management practices necessary for crop production. The guides focus on the principles of fertilizer (nutrients and micro-nutrients) and organic matter use and the application of good agricultural practices such as intercropping. The guides are designed for an extension audience and they can support the customisation […]

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Gender & approaches: Indicative information

21 March 2017 Dannie Romney, ASHC project executive shares her thoughts on gender research undertaken with the support of Legume Alliance partners in Tanzania and currently informing the UPTAKE project: During 2015 CABI commissioned iLogix to pilot an input brokerage system using beans in Tanzania as the target. The idea was that information on inputs could be […]

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1 million SMSs for Tanzanian maize farmers

21 March 2017 UPTAKE: By the end of April 2017, the UPTAKE team expects that 1 million SMSs will have be sent out to maize farmers in the Southern Highlands. Stephanie Gakuo the UPTAKE project manager, explains: “We have been delivering SMS messages to farmers at scale for some time. In January 2017 we sent 276,414 SMSs […]

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ASA in Tanzania: Seeds of success

20 March 2017: Charles Levi of the Agricultural Seed Agency in Tanzania spells out the progress to make improved legume seed more readily available to farmers… Legumes are a staple part of the Tanzanian diet – and almost everyone with a piece of land will grow them.  So, you might expect that legume seed sales would be an important […]

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