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ASHC clarifies its M&E offer to its partners

The ASHC monitoring and evaluation team has produced a summary document setting out how it wants to support and collaborate with partner organizations.

Kelly Stenhoff, of the M&E team within ASHC, said: “The way that ASHC is working is to help organizations to develop new approaches and to improve communications for sharing new ISFM technologies.

In doing this we are asking our partners to feedback to us on how effective these materials have been in terms of changing attitudes and practice. It is this information that will give us a clear indication of what has impact.

ASHC will work on a considerable number of communications products so it is essential that we team up with our partners to help them embed enhanced monitoring and evaluation practices.”

This paper, like all ASHC outputs is creative commons, so other organizations should feel free to adapt it to their own needs. ASHC M&E Offer.