Food Lab meets the Legume Alliance
8 November 2016: A Leadership Summit organized by the Sustainable Food Lab visited Farm Radio International yesterday to explore the work of the Legume Alliance. As part of the conference package a series of Learning Journeys were developed. These were designed to provide first-hand experiences with diverse farmers, companies, and development organisations to inform the learning and discussions at the Summit.
Project champion Ken Giller introduced the work of the Legume Alliance its campaign style approach being delivered in the SILT and UPTAKE projects . Bart Sullivan noted; “We played some radio content from a Listening Post (with translations) showing how partner radio stations can encourage interactivity. We then showed some realtime hands-on activities with our in interactive tools such as Voxbox, Uliza and Beep4services.”
Delegates attending the presentation came from: AgriProFocus; Catholic Relief Services; CIAT; Rainforest Alliance; Rockefeller Foundation; Sustainable Food Lab; Sime Darby Berhad; VECO Mesoamérica; Vredeseilanden; Wageningen University – Centre for Development Innovation; and World Wildlife Fund/WWF-Kenya