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André wins again

UNESCO’s Director-General, Irina Bokova, has announced that ASHC technical advisory group (TAG) chair André Bationo is one of the laureates of the UNESCO–Equatorial Guinea International Prize for Research in the Life Sciences for 2014. In line with UNESCO’s goals to encourage research; mobilise science knowledge and policy for sustainable development and fostering capacity-building in science […]

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ASHC at the Africa Green Revolution Forum 2014

ASHC was delighted to be part of the AGRA Soil Health Program stand at the Africa Green Revolution Forum 2014. We were in good company exhibiting alongside two of valued partners the Kenya based development agency IPNI and AfSIS, the digital soil mapping people. On 3 September 2014 these three organisations collaborated with AGRA to […]

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Grant for ASHC Handbook for ISFM to be printed

ASHC has received a grant from the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA) of €10,000 towards the printing of copies of the Handbook for Integrated Soil Management. This will support the printing of 3,000 English and 700 French copies.These manuals will be disseminated free of charge and will available for download under a […]

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COMPRO II: July 2014 newsletter published

COMPRO II newsletters published –Quality & Yield – Issue 7 – July 2014  – support objective 4 of this project relating to the development and delivery of the communications strategy

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Working with phone & data providers

Getting ASHC information on the right lines with private sector phone and data providers  The Africa Soil Health Consortium has developed a guide on ‘How to… produce farmer-friendly text messages for extension campaigns’. This explored thechallenges of delivery priority agricultural information within the constraints of a text message. As an example the ASHC team mapped […]

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ASHC supporting Malawi policy communications

The Soil Health Consortium of Malawi has 3 objectives that can be summarised as: Improve access to ISFM information for key stakeholders Enhance dissemination of ISFM innovations Enhance capacity to harmonise and consolidate ISFM innovations through training, workshops,research and by producing radio and television documentaries based on successful ISFM researc ASHC was approached to provide […]

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OFRA baseline: Summary survey results shared

The OFRA baseline survey was conducted during April and May 2014. To gather our list of names we spoke with people we knew to be involved in the fertilizer research in various institutions and asked them to share their contacts. Our list snowballed into 416 contacts. 219 people responded to the questionnaire from 12 of […]

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May 2014: ASHC Newsletter

The ASHC MAY 2014 newsletter includes the following materials: How the Africa Soil Health Consortium helped IPNI find its  voice with smallholders in Western Kenya Kenya’s young people use innovative poster designs to encourage smart farming The ISFM superheroes ASHC working with universities The legacy of phase 1 of ASHC AGRA funding supports a fresh approach to fertilizer […]

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Phosphorous for maize

IPNI’s farmer-friendly fertilizer information

Case notes on how ASHC has supported IPNI’s work in Kenya  Nathaniel Ndemba has a reason to smile. He is a smallholder farmer from Siaya County, who is now harvesting 40 bags of maize from his 2-acre farm – up from just 10 bags! Nathaniel’s success story is one of many in his community who have benefitted […]

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ASHC asks is profit a dirty word?

When ASHC set up its Creative Commons license it took the very deliberate decision to make all its materials open to all, including the commercial sector. This was done on the basis that most smallholder farmers see an afro-dealer at least as often as they do an extension worker. George Oduor of ASHC explains: “ASHC […]

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