Cassava production manual
- Summary:
Mwongozo wa uzalishaji wa zao la muhogo Tanzania is an output of Upsaling Technologies in Agriculture through Knowledge and Extension (UPTAKE) project financed by IFAD and implemented by FRI and CABI. This 29 page manual gives information to farmers and stakeholders in cassava production on good agronomic practices to consider when cultivating cassava.
- Languages:
- Swahili / Kiswahili
Cassava seed production manual
- Summary:
Mwongozo wa uzalishaji wa mbegu bora za muhogo za daraja la kuazimiwa ubora is a cassava manual focusing on production of cassava seedlings. It discusses on the economic importance of cassava, challenges of growing it, appropriate times to cultivate, land preparation, varieties and their ecological zones, preserving and transporting cuttings, planting, fertilizer application, pests and diseases, harvesting, among others.
- Languages:
- Swahili / Kiswahili
Tanzania focus group discussions report
- Summary:
The report on focus group discussion in Tanzania has the following components:
- Synthesis of the FGDs
- Use of improved seed varieties
- Use of chemical fertilizer and manure
- Use of inoculants
- Pests and diseases in common bean and soybean
- Marketing/sales of common bean and soybean
- Use of technologies of storage
- information sources on agriculture for households
- Awareness and adoption of technologies
- Languages:
- English
Ghana Intra-household survey report – Baseline study
- Summary:
The report focusing on integrating multi-media communication approaches and input brokerage has the following components:
- Study design
- Study area and sampling procedure
- Data collection and analysis
- Descriptive characteristics
- Crop production and cropping systems
Sources of agricultural information
- Major sources of agricultural information
- Ranking information sources
- Agricultural information sources by crop
- Awareness of agricultural practices
- Information sharing within the household
Soybean current information sources and practices
- Sources of information on soybean
- Awareness of soybean practices
- Soybean practices applied by farmers
Insights from the study
- Languages:
- English
Ghana soybean campaign report
- Summary:
The report focusing on integrating multi-media communication approaches and input brokerage has the following components:
Campaign approach
Technical brief
Geographic covereage
Campaign elements
- Films
- SMS messages
- Radio spots
- Print materials
- Extension meetings in villages
Summary of reach
- Languages:
- English
Tanzania Intra-household survey report – Baseline study
- Summary:
The report focusing on integrating multi-media communication approaches and input brokerage has the following components:
Back ground
Study objectives
- Research questions
- Research hypotheses
- Household characteristics
- Crop production and cropping systems
Sources of agricultural information
- Major sources of agricultural information
- Ranking information sources
- Agricultural information sources by crop
- Awareness of agricultural practices
- Information sharing within the household
Bean and soybean campaign
- Sources of information on common bean and soybean
- Awareness of common bean and soybean practices
- Common bean and soybean practices applied by farmers
- Reasons for failure to use known common bean and soybean practices
Insights from the study
- Languages:
- English
Tanzania common bean and soybean campaign report
- Summary:
The report focusing on integrating multi-media communication approaches and input brokerage has the following components:
Campaign approach
Technical brief
Geographic covereage
Campaign elements
- Demo plots
- FIPS village-based advisors
- Radio
- Print materials
- Capacity building
Summary of reach
- Languages:
- English
Mobile Landscape Analysis – Audio PowerPoint
- Summary:
This is a presentation on the mobile landscape analysis in Tanzania put together by the UPTAKE team. It contains key findings and constraints to providing Agri VAS, lessons, opportunities and implications for knowledge organizations and is accompanied by a descriptive audio recording.
- Languages:
- English
Groundnut system (b&w) cropping guide – English
- Summary:
The groundnut system cropping guide is a practical 44 manual focusing on good agricultural practices for groundnut production that promote integrated soil fertility management. Produced by ASHC.
- Languages:
- English
Sorghum & millet-legume (b&w) cropping guide – Portuguese
- Summary:
A practical 64-page A5 manual focusing on good agricultural practices for sorghum and millet production incorporating integrated soil fertility management techniques and practices. Produced by ASHC.
- Languages:
- Portuguese