The socially engaged investors guide to communication for development
- Summary:
This guide provides comprehensive information on how public and private investment in communication for development can influence scale-up and adoption in small-scale farming households in sub-Saharan Africa.
It has been produced in collaboration between the three partners delivering the IDRC funded Scaling-Up Improved Legume Technologies (SILT) project in Tanzania. The partners, African Agribusiness Partnership, CABI and Farm Radio International, have also been supported by IITA.
- Languages:
- English
Common bean agrodealer poster – Kiswahili
- Summary:
Tupande Maharage Bingwa is a poster giving information on growing common beans. It was produced as part of the Scaling Up Improved Legume Technologies (SILT) program running the Legume Alliance campaign in Tanzania. It was distributed by one of the partners - AFAP.
- Languages:
- Swahili / Kiswahili