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Mineral fertilizer

Grow bananas better – extension guide


The Grow Bananas Better extension guide targets trainers in ISFM in Uganda and highlights good agronomic practices for banana production. Its content structure and design promotes interaction between trainers and farmers, making room for practical and follow up sessions.

It was developed in partnership with the National Agricultural Research Organisation (NARO), Bioversity, IITA, scaling agents, extension and farmer representatives, using a writeshop process.

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Upland rice cropping calendar


The rice cropping calendar targets extension, ISFM trainers and farmers in Uganda and highlights timelines and activities of every phase in the rice growing season.

It was developed in partnership with the National Agricultural Research Organisation (NARO),  ASHC and Mango Tree, in an effort to consolidate research and learning of the Agricultural Technology and Agribusiness Advisory Services (ATAAS) project’s lifetime.

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Rice calendar – Facilitator’s guide


The rice calendar - facilitator's guide targets extension and ISFM trainers in Uganda and highlights timelines and activities of every phase in the rice growing season. It will help the facilitator use the upland rice cropping calendar.

It was developed in partnership with the National Agricultural Research Organisation (NARO),  ASHC and Mango Tree, in an effort to consolidate research and learning of the Agricultural Technology and Agribusiness Advisory Services (ATAAS) project’s lifetime.

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Farmer’s take-home rice calendar


The farmer's take home rice calendar targets farmers in Uganda and highlights timelines of every phase in the rice growing season. It is used to support and reinforce rice production messages explained by extension workers or ISFM trainers.

It was developed in partnership with the National Agricultural Research Organisation (NARO),  ASHC and Mango Tree, in an effort to consolidate research and learning of the Agricultural Technology and Agribusiness Advisory Services (ATAAS) project’s lifetime.


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Potato production manual


Mwongozo wa teknolojia za uzalishaji wa viazi mviringo Tanzania is an output of Upsaling Technologies in Agriculture through Knowledge and Extension (UPTAKE) project financed by IFAD and implemented by FRI and CABI. This 47 page manual gives information to farmers and stakeholders in potato production on good agronomic practices to consider when cultivating potatoes.

Swahili / Kiswahili
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Cassava seed production manual


Mwongozo wa uzalishaji wa mbegu bora za muhogo za daraja la kuazimiwa ubora is a cassava manual focusing on production of cassava seedlings. It discusses on the economic importance of cassava, challenges of growing it, appropriate times to cultivate, land preparation, varieties and their ecological zones, preserving and transporting cuttings, planting, fertilizer application, pests and diseases, harvesting, among others.

Swahili / Kiswahili
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Grow better soybean illustrated poster


Grow better soybean is an illustrated A3 poster giving information on growing soybeans. It was produced in partnership with IntrioSynergy for a soybean campaign in Nigeria. It outlines practical steps for soybean production from land preparation to post-harvest.

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Grow better soybean poster-Tiv


Grow better soybean is an illustrated A3 poster giving information on growing soybeans. It was produced in partnership with IntrioSynergy for a soybean campaign in Nigeria. It outlines practical steps for soybean production from land preparation to post-harvest.

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Grow better soybean poster – Yoruba


Grow better soybean is an illustrated A3 poster giving information on growing soybeans. It was produced in partnership with IntrioSynergy for a soybean campaign in Nigeria. It outlines practical steps for soybean production from land preparation to post-harvest.

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Grow better soybean poster – Hausa


Grow better soybean is an illustrated A3 poster giving information on growing soybeans. It was produced in partnership with IntrioSynergy for a soybean campaign in Nigeria. It outlines practical steps for soybean production from land preparation to post-harvest.

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