Upland rice cropping calendar
- Summary:
The rice cropping calendar targets extension, ISFM trainers and farmers in Uganda and highlights timelines and activities of every phase in the rice growing season.
It was developed in partnership with the National Agricultural Research Organisation (NARO), ASHC and Mango Tree, in an effort to consolidate research and learning of the Agricultural Technology and Agribusiness Advisory Services (ATAAS) project’s lifetime.
- Languages:
- English
Managing striga weed poster
- Summary:
The managing striga weed poster targets farmers and extension in Uganda and highlights symptoms of striga infestation, prevention and management of striga.
It was developed in partnership with the National Agricultural Research Organisation (NARO), ASHC and Mango Tree, in an effort to consolidate research and learning of the Agricultural Technology and Agribusiness Advisory Services (ATAAS) project’s lifetime.
- Languages:
- English
Managing and controlling maize pests and diseases poster
- Summary:
The managing and controlling maize pests and diseases poster targets farmers in Uganda and highlights major pests and diseases affecting maize: their spread, prevention and control.
It was developed in partnership with the National Agricultural Research Organisation (NARO), ASHC and Mango Tree, in an effort to consolidate research and learning of the Agricultural Technology and Agribusiness Advisory Services (ATAAS) project’s lifetime.
- Languages:
- English
Nutri Beans poster
- Summary:
The nutri beans poster targets school going children in Uganda and highlights the nutritional importance of consuming nutri beans.
It was developed in partnership with the National Agricultural Research Organisation (NARO), ASHC and Mango Tree, in an effort to consolidate research and learning of the Agricultural Technology and Agribusiness Advisory Services (ATAAS) project’s lifetime.
- Languages:
- English
Inoculate soybean using Nodumax-Tiv
- Summary:
Poster showing step by step process of inoculating soybean using Nodumax.
- Languages:
- Tiv
Inoculate soybean using Nodumax-Yoruba
- Summary:
Poster showing step by step process of inoculating soybean using Nodumax.
- Languages:
- Yoruba
Inoculate soybean using Nodumax – Hausa
- Summary:
Poster showing step by step process of inoculating soybean using Nodumax.
- Languages:
- Hausa
Grow better soybean illustrated poster
- Summary:
Grow better soybean is an illustrated A3 poster giving information on growing soybeans. It was produced in partnership with IntrioSynergy for a soybean campaign in Nigeria. It outlines practical steps for soybean production from land preparation to post-harvest.
- Languages:
- English
Grow better soybean poster-Tiv
- Summary:
Grow better soybean is an illustrated A3 poster giving information on growing soybeans. It was produced in partnership with IntrioSynergy for a soybean campaign in Nigeria. It outlines practical steps for soybean production from land preparation to post-harvest.
- Languages:
- Tiv
Grow better soybean poster – Yoruba
- Summary:
Grow better soybean is an illustrated A3 poster giving information on growing soybeans. It was produced in partnership with IntrioSynergy for a soybean campaign in Nigeria. It outlines practical steps for soybean production from land preparation to post-harvest.
- Languages:
- Yoruba