Grow bananas better – extension guide
- Summary:
The Grow Bananas Better extension guide targets trainers in ISFM in Uganda and highlights good agronomic practices for banana production. Its content structure and design promotes interaction between trainers and farmers, making room for practical and follow up sessions.
It was developed in partnership with the National Agricultural Research Organisation (NARO), Bioversity, IITA, scaling agents, extension and farmer representatives, using a writeshop process.
- Languages:
- English
Rice calendar – Facilitator’s guide
- Summary:
The rice calendar - facilitator's guide targets extension and ISFM trainers in Uganda and highlights timelines and activities of every phase in the rice growing season. It will help the facilitator use the upland rice cropping calendar.
It was developed in partnership with the National Agricultural Research Organisation (NARO), ASHC and Mango Tree, in an effort to consolidate research and learning of the Agricultural Technology and Agribusiness Advisory Services (ATAAS) project’s lifetime.
- Languages:
- English
Potato production manual
- Summary:
Mwongozo wa teknolojia za uzalishaji wa viazi mviringo Tanzania is an output of Upsaling Technologies in Agriculture through Knowledge and Extension (UPTAKE) project financed by IFAD and implemented by FRI and CABI. This 47 page manual gives information to farmers and stakeholders in potato production on good agronomic practices to consider when cultivating potatoes.
- Languages:
- Swahili / Kiswahili
Cassava production manual
- Summary:
Mwongozo wa uzalishaji wa zao la muhogo Tanzania is an output of Upsaling Technologies in Agriculture through Knowledge and Extension (UPTAKE) project financed by IFAD and implemented by FRI and CABI. This 29 page manual gives information to farmers and stakeholders in cassava production on good agronomic practices to consider when cultivating cassava.
- Languages:
- Swahili / Kiswahili
Cassava seed production manual
- Summary:
Mwongozo wa uzalishaji wa mbegu bora za muhogo za daraja la kuazimiwa ubora is a cassava manual focusing on production of cassava seedlings. It discusses on the economic importance of cassava, challenges of growing it, appropriate times to cultivate, land preparation, varieties and their ecological zones, preserving and transporting cuttings, planting, fertilizer application, pests and diseases, harvesting, among others.
- Languages:
- Swahili / Kiswahili
The socially engaged investors guide to communication for development
- Summary:
This guide provides comprehensive information on how public and private investment in communication for development can influence scale-up and adoption in small-scale farming households in sub-Saharan Africa.
It has been produced in collaboration between the three partners delivering the IDRC funded Scaling-Up Improved Legume Technologies (SILT) project in Tanzania. The partners, African Agribusiness Partnership, CABI and Farm Radio International, have also been supported by IITA.
- Languages:
- English
Groundnut system (b&w) cropping guide – English
- Summary:
The groundnut system cropping guide is a practical 44 manual focusing on good agricultural practices for groundnut production that promote integrated soil fertility management. Produced by ASHC.
- Languages:
- English
Sorghum & millet-legume (b&w) cropping guide – Portuguese
- Summary:
A practical 64-page A5 manual focusing on good agricultural practices for sorghum and millet production incorporating integrated soil fertility management techniques and practices. Produced by ASHC.
- Languages:
- Portuguese
Sorghum & millet-legume (colour) cropping guide – Portuguese
- Summary:
A practical 92-page A5 manual focusing on good agricultural practices for sorghum and millet production incorporating integrated soil fertility management techniques and practices. Produced by ASHC.
- Languages:
- Portuguese
Sweetpotato system (colour) cropping guide
- Summary:
The sweetpotato system cropping guide is a practical 68 manual focusing on good agricultural practices for sweetpotato production that promote integrated soil fertility management. Produced by ASHC.
High and low resolution versions are available for downloading -this cropping guide is available in English only. A black & white, easy to print and photocopy, version will be available soon - the text is the same but the format is A4 and any images that rely on colour have been replaced.
- Languages:
- English