Tanzania focus group discussions report
- Summary:
The report on focus group discussion in Tanzania has the following components:
- Synthesis of the FGDs
- Use of improved seed varieties
- Use of chemical fertilizer and manure
- Use of inoculants
- Pests and diseases in common bean and soybean
- Marketing/sales of common bean and soybean
- Use of technologies of storage
- information sources on agriculture for households
- Awareness and adoption of technologies
- Languages:
- English
Ghana Intra-household survey report – Baseline study
- Summary:
The report focusing on integrating multi-media communication approaches and input brokerage has the following components:
- Study design
- Study area and sampling procedure
- Data collection and analysis
- Descriptive characteristics
- Crop production and cropping systems
Sources of agricultural information
- Major sources of agricultural information
- Ranking information sources
- Agricultural information sources by crop
- Awareness of agricultural practices
- Information sharing within the household
Soybean current information sources and practices
- Sources of information on soybean
- Awareness of soybean practices
- Soybean practices applied by farmers
Insights from the study
- Languages:
- English
Ghana soybean campaign report
- Summary:
The report focusing on integrating multi-media communication approaches and input brokerage has the following components:
Campaign approach
Technical brief
Geographic covereage
Campaign elements
- Films
- SMS messages
- Radio spots
- Print materials
- Extension meetings in villages
Summary of reach
- Languages:
- English
Tanzania Intra-household survey report – Baseline study
- Summary:
The report focusing on integrating multi-media communication approaches and input brokerage has the following components:
Back ground
Study objectives
- Research questions
- Research hypotheses
- Household characteristics
- Crop production and cropping systems
Sources of agricultural information
- Major sources of agricultural information
- Ranking information sources
- Agricultural information sources by crop
- Awareness of agricultural practices
- Information sharing within the household
Bean and soybean campaign
- Sources of information on common bean and soybean
- Awareness of common bean and soybean practices
- Common bean and soybean practices applied by farmers
- Reasons for failure to use known common bean and soybean practices
Insights from the study
- Languages:
- English
Tanzania common bean and soybean campaign report
- Summary:
The report focusing on integrating multi-media communication approaches and input brokerage has the following components:
Campaign approach
Technical brief
Geographic covereage
Campaign elements
- Demo plots
- FIPS village-based advisors
- Radio
- Print materials
- Capacity building
Summary of reach
- Languages:
- English
Inoculate soybean using Nodumax-Tiv
- Summary:
Poster showing step by step process of inoculating soybean using Nodumax.
- Languages:
- Tiv
Inoculate soybean using Nodumax-Yoruba
- Summary:
Poster showing step by step process of inoculating soybean using Nodumax.
- Languages:
- Yoruba
Inoculate soybean using Nodumax – Hausa
- Summary:
Poster showing step by step process of inoculating soybean using Nodumax.
- Languages:
- Hausa
Grow better soybean illustrated poster
- Summary:
Grow better soybean is an illustrated A3 poster giving information on growing soybeans. It was produced in partnership with IntrioSynergy for a soybean campaign in Nigeria. It outlines practical steps for soybean production from land preparation to post-harvest.
- Languages:
- English
Grow better soybean poster-Tiv
- Summary:
Grow better soybean is an illustrated A3 poster giving information on growing soybeans. It was produced in partnership with IntrioSynergy for a soybean campaign in Nigeria. It outlines practical steps for soybean production from land preparation to post-harvest.
- Languages:
- Tiv