West Africa
Ghana Intra-household survey report – Baseline study
- Summary:
The report focusing on integrating multi-media communication approaches and input brokerage has the following components:
- Study design
- Study area and sampling procedure
- Data collection and analysis
- Descriptive characteristics
- Crop production and cropping systems
Sources of agricultural information
- Major sources of agricultural information
- Ranking information sources
- Agricultural information sources by crop
- Awareness of agricultural practices
- Information sharing within the household
Soybean current information sources and practices
- Sources of information on soybean
- Awareness of soybean practices
- Soybean practices applied by farmers
Insights from the study
- Languages:
- English
Ghana soybean campaign report
- Summary:
The report focusing on integrating multi-media communication approaches and input brokerage has the following components:
Campaign approach
Technical brief
Geographic covereage
Campaign elements
- Films
- SMS messages
- Radio spots
- Print materials
- Extension meetings in villages
Summary of reach
- Languages:
- English
Inoculate soybean using Nodumax-Tiv
- Summary:
Poster showing step by step process of inoculating soybean using Nodumax.
- Languages:
- Tiv
Inoculate soybean using Nodumax-Yoruba
- Summary:
Poster showing step by step process of inoculating soybean using Nodumax.
- Languages:
- Yoruba
Inoculate soybean using Nodumax – Hausa
- Summary:
Poster showing step by step process of inoculating soybean using Nodumax.
- Languages:
- Hausa
Grow better soybean illustrated poster
- Summary:
Grow better soybean is an illustrated A3 poster giving information on growing soybeans. It was produced in partnership with IntrioSynergy for a soybean campaign in Nigeria. It outlines practical steps for soybean production from land preparation to post-harvest.
- Languages:
- English
Grow better soybean poster-Tiv
- Summary:
Grow better soybean is an illustrated A3 poster giving information on growing soybeans. It was produced in partnership with IntrioSynergy for a soybean campaign in Nigeria. It outlines practical steps for soybean production from land preparation to post-harvest.
- Languages:
- Tiv
Grow better soybean poster – Yoruba
- Summary:
Grow better soybean is an illustrated A3 poster giving information on growing soybeans. It was produced in partnership with IntrioSynergy for a soybean campaign in Nigeria. It outlines practical steps for soybean production from land preparation to post-harvest.
- Languages:
- Yoruba
Grow better soybean poster – Hausa
- Summary:
Grow better soybean is an illustrated A3 poster giving information on growing soybeans. It was produced in partnership with IntrioSynergy for a soybean campaign in Nigeria. It outlines practical steps for soybean production from land preparation to post-harvest.
- Languages:
- Hausa
Hip life soy bean video – ‘El Twist’
- Summary:
Hip life music video about soy bean farming in Ghana. This is one of 2 films about soy bean farming which are in different languages.
El Twist is gathering up his neighbours to help get the land prepared. Music and lyrics by El Twist, film by Anas Inusah and Raymond Vuol, produced and commissioned by CABI.
- Languages:
- Dagaari