Inoculate soybean using Nodumax-Tiv
- Summary:
Poster showing step by step process of inoculating soybean using Nodumax.
- Languages:
- Tiv
Inoculate soybean using Nodumax-Yoruba
- Summary:
Poster showing step by step process of inoculating soybean using Nodumax.
- Languages:
- Yoruba
Inoculate soybean using Nodumax – Hausa
- Summary:
Poster showing step by step process of inoculating soybean using Nodumax.
- Languages:
- Hausa
Grow better soybean illustrated poster
- Summary:
Grow better soybean is an illustrated A3 poster giving information on growing soybeans. It was produced in partnership with IntrioSynergy for a soybean campaign in Nigeria. It outlines practical steps for soybean production from land preparation to post-harvest.
- Languages:
- English
Grow better soybean poster-Tiv
- Summary:
Grow better soybean is an illustrated A3 poster giving information on growing soybeans. It was produced in partnership with IntrioSynergy for a soybean campaign in Nigeria. It outlines practical steps for soybean production from land preparation to post-harvest.
- Languages:
- Tiv
Grow better soybean poster – Yoruba
- Summary:
Grow better soybean is an illustrated A3 poster giving information on growing soybeans. It was produced in partnership with IntrioSynergy for a soybean campaign in Nigeria. It outlines practical steps for soybean production from land preparation to post-harvest.
- Languages:
- Yoruba
Grow better soybean poster – Hausa
- Summary:
Grow better soybean is an illustrated A3 poster giving information on growing soybeans. It was produced in partnership with IntrioSynergy for a soybean campaign in Nigeria. It outlines practical steps for soybean production from land preparation to post-harvest.
- Languages:
- Hausa
Good farming practice for soybean production in Nigeria video
- Summary:
A 13 minute film on good agricultural practices of soybean production in Nigeria in partnership with Intrio Synergies Limited (ISL).
- Languages:
- English
Inoculate soybean using Nodumax-poster
- Summary:
Poster showing step by step process of inoculating soybean using Nodumax.
- Languages:
- English