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AGRA Soil Health Program grantees meeting – Nairobi, Kenya

Meeting: AGRA Soil Health grantees meeting: Reviewing experiences in project implementation and strategies for going beyond the demos

Purpose of the meeting: This meeting provides an opportunity for grantees to share experiences and also interact with key partners.

Context: AGRA’s Soil Program has funded over 80 projects that aim at scaling out integrated soil fertility management (ISFM) in 13 focal countries in sub-Saharan Africa since its inception in 2008. Half of these grants are for research and extension in East and Southern Africa relating to cereals and grain legumes of various types in demonstration plots and/or trials under ISFM practices.

Objectives for the meeting:
• Share lessons and experiences emerging from ISFM scale out projects in East and Southern Africa.
• Provide opportunity for grantees to receive feedback on the agronomic and socioeconomic data that is being generated for manuscript preparation.
• Identify knowledge gaps in approaches to scale out ISFM technologies and approaches to capture, synthesize and communicate emerging knowledge of relevance at country, regional and global level.
• Provide opportunities for cross projects and country collaboration through engaging in partnership such the CABI-Africa Soil Health Consortium, AfNet, Tropical Legumes II project, AfSIS, N2 Africa, COMPRO, etc. who will provide feedback to what the grantees are implementing and create resource networks.

ASHC event flyer
Consortium contact: George Oduor, e-mail: