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ASHC fact-finding trip to Mali

Duration: 21-26 August 2011 
What we did: George Oduor visited key individuals and organsiations involved in soil health in Mali including: Willem van Campen, IFDC representative; Benjamin Coulibaly, agronomist IER; Yamoussa Coulibaly APVM Co-op; Abou Dearthe, Country Rep SG2000; Doua Demba Diallo & Amara Diakite, CNFA; Ibrahima Diakite, President CRU; Mamourou Diouarte, head of sorghum programme, IER; Mamadou Doumbia, head of laboratory, IER; Zoumana Kouyate, agronomist, IER; Aga Mada, Farmer; George Okwach, head of HOPE project, ICRISAT; Mamadou Roger, Maize Programme, IER; Bino Teme DG, IER; and Drissa Traoure, ORS.
Consortium contact: George Oduor, e-mail: