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ASHC Fact finding trip to Mozambique

Duration: 15-24 September 2013

Trip itinerary: 15-18 September ASHC team travels arrives in Nampula for meetings with ISFM stakeholders in Nacala corridor and other relevant teams to discuss the technologies, and priority communications materials

19-21 September Fly to Maputo for meetings at IIAM with IIAM and hosted international institutes to explore details on cropping technologies, message themes and information formats
22-24 September – Fly to Chimoio field visits to Beira corridor in Manica and meetings with AGRA grantees other partners and agro-dealers

ASHC role: A fact finding mission to support the development of the up-coming write-shop activity in Mozambique and planning for the OFRA project in Mozambique
ASHC team member attending: George Oduor, Lydia Wairegi with Duncan Sones.