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Stakeholders’ Meeting of the Africa RISING – Arusha, Tanzania

Meeting: Stakeholders’ Meeting of the Africa RISING – East and Southern Africa Project

Duration: 4-5 October 2012

Purpose of the meeting: To discuss the review of the achievements from the first year and research plans for the second year of Africa RISING (Research in Sustainable Intensification for the Next Generation) Program. Africa RISING is a multi-stakeholder agricultural research program to sustainably intensify key African farming systems Meeting type: A participatory research process drawing upon dialogue with partners from public, voluntary and private ‘to ensure appropriate research visioning, implementation and information exchange.’

Key players: The International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) is the lead institute for the ESA maize- and rice-based systems research project. Funder is the USA Government’s Feed the Future Initiative.

Focus countries: West Africa, Ethiopian Highlands, and Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA)

Project focus: The program focuses on delivering research outputs that provide pathways out of hunger and poverty for small holder families through sustainably intensified farming systems that sufficiently improve food, nutrition, and income security, particularly for women and children, and conserve or enhance the natural resource base.