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Duncan Sones

GALA taking shape in Tanzania

Silvia Silvestri, from CABI, explains that the Gender and the Legume Alliance (GALA) partners are planning to meet to kick-start the project in Tanzania … The GALA project will operate in Ghana and Tanzania. In Tanzania we are building on a strong body of work that has been developing over the past 18 months to […]

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SILT seed policy meeting: 26 September in Arusha

The partners in the Scaling-up Improved Legume Technologies (SILT) have set the date for their first policy workshop. The meeting will take place on 26 September in Arusha, Tanzania. Invitations are currently being sent out to key individuals in institutions including the ministry of agriculture, livestock and fisheries, the Tanzania Official Seed Certification Institute and the […]

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SILT Gender plan “very strong” says funder

1 September 2016: Following a number of workshops and an internal review of the scaling-up legume technologies (SILT) strategies, the partners produced a revised gender plan (2016). The team is delighted to have received positive feedback from Marco Rondo, on behalf of the funders. He stated: “Having reviewed your intended next steps we feel the proposed plan looks very […]

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Nigerian newspaper welcomes cassava plans

6 August 2016 Nigeria’s TODAY newspaper ran an article on the new IITA-led African Cassava Agronomy Initiative (ACAI). The article reports comments from James Watiti of CABI-ASHC stating the need to bring all stakeholders together. The article also notes that James called for candid conversations among partners so that issues and challenges could be addressed and synergies […]

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Shujaaz seeks out young bean farmers…

4 August 2016 Duncan Sones writes… In September and October 2015 the team at Shujaaz in Tanzania developed two stories about what they call Hustlers who made money from common beans. The first person featured was a young man who was a farmer, he gave tips on growing beans.  The second story was of a young […]

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COMPRO Newsletter published

The new COMPRO II Quality & Yield Newsletter 11 is available now.  The newsletter is produced by ASHC to support objective 4 of this IITA-led project supporting the commercialisation of a range of products. In this issue you will find articles on: The role of NAFDAC Biofertilizer regulation in Ghana  

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Celebrating GALA success…

6 June 2016: Edward Baars and Minke Stadler introduce an exciting development for the Legume Alliance in Tanzania and plans for new work in Ghana… The project ‘Gender and the Legume Alliance: integrating multi-media communications approaches and input brokerage’ is implemented by CABI and N2Africa with grant support from the SAIRLA-programme. This five-year programme commissions research […]

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Information plus …

23 May 2016 Information plus … the journey towards sustainable change in legume technologies George Oduor from CABI explains: The goal of any long-term development project is to create sustainable changes in awareness, attitude and ultimately behavior. In phase 1 of the Africa Soil Health Consortium (ASHC) projects delivering soil fertility messages were offered facilitation and consultancy […]

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Steady growth in downloads from ISFM materials library …

April 2016: James Watiti, from CABI, has been reviewing the use of the ISFM materials library on the ASHC website. James noted: “We have seen steady progress in the use of the ISFM materials library. In April 2015 we launched the materials library visitors downloaded 52 materials. In April 2016 this had increased to 330 […]

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ISFM materials library being put to work…

10 May 2016: When you visit the ASHC website ISFM materials library you are asked to share how you plan to use the materials.  It is not a requirement to leave this information – but those that do really help us to review and reflecton how we present the library. Here are some of the users […]

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