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Duncan Sones

October 2012: ASHC newsletter published

In ASHC newsletter October 2012 issues: George Oduor reviews recent developments at ASHC Team news President visits ASHC exhibit in Arusha, Tanzania Publication news: New cropping systems guides under development ASHC team refines its write-shop process ASHC in Ghana – special feature Text service for maize farmers in West Kenya

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October 2012: ASHC Newsletter

The ASHC October newsletter includes the following materials: George Oduor reviews recent developments at ASHC Team news President visits ASHC exhibit in Arusha, Tanzania Publication news New cropping systems guides under development ASHC team refines its write-shop process ASHC in Ghana – special feature Text service for maize farmers in West Kenya

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COMPRO II: September 2012 newsletter published

COMPRO II newsletters published –Quality & Yield – Issue 1 – September 2012 – support objective 4 of this project relating to the development and delivery of the communications strategy

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June 2012: ASHC Newsletter

The ASHC Newsletter June 2012 includes the following materials: George Oduor reviews recent developments at ASHC The principles of ISFM set out in ASHC’S new film and handbook Governments urged to give extension agents training on ISFM to complement fertilizer subsidies Research focus: Exploring the role of ISFM in mitigating climate change and building food security […]

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August 2011: ASHC newsletter

The ASHC Newsletter August 2011  includes the following materials: Technical advisory group takes lead in ISFM product development Mobile phone transforming agricultural information sharing and exchange Minjingu – viable Phosphate source in Tanzania ASHC adopts outcome mapping to track progress Scientists and communication specialists meet to share knowledge Scientists favour ISFM to state fertilizer subsidies Small […]

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August 2011: Soil Health Consortium News (ASHC newsletter) published

Inside the ASHC Newsletter August 2011 edition of Soil Health News: A word from the project manager Improving decision making for ISFM in sub-Saharan Africa Consensus and consultation at ASHC workshop Improving the quality of soil health extension materials Milestones achieved by ASHC What’s behind the ASHC project? Staff biographies

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