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First International Conference on Global Food Security – Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands

Duration: 29 September – 2 October 2013

Purpose of the Conference: to deliver state-of-the-art analysis, inspiring visions and innovative research methods arising from interdisciplinary research. Join us in this exciting opportunity to ensure that the best science is garnered to support the emergence of the Sustainable Development Goals.
Achieving global food security whilst reconciling demands on the environment is the greatest challenge faced by mankind. By 2050 we will need to feed 9 billion people. The urgency of the issue has led to huge scientific strides forwards; making it difficult to keep up with the rapidly expanding volume of scientific research.
The conference hopes to make sense of the economic, social, biophysical, technological and institutional drivers of current and future global food security.
The programme incudes:

Global food systems
Yield gaps and their agro-ecological and socioeconomic dimensions
Food chains, certification for sustainability, fair trade, biofuels
Alternative agricultures (intensive systems, agro-ecological approaches, coastal and saline agriculture, speciality crops)