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What N2Africa learned about fertilizing beans

A short radio series called INUKA was developed to start conversations with bean farmers in Tanzania. It was broadcast on Radio Free Africa, a station with nationwide coverage in Tanzania. The third episode was broadcast on Sunday 21 June 2015 between  7:00 – 7:30 pm. It was commissioned by N2Africa and production co-ordinated by Farm Radio International.

The poll question was designed to understand:

  • If farmers are using any kind of fertilizers on their bean plots
  • If yes, then what varieties of fertilizers they are using and if not, then why are farmers not using fertilizers

A total of 1194 people participated in the poll.

Question 1: “Which kind of fertilizer are you using in your bean farm?

  • 462 ( 39 %) did not use any kind of fertilizer
  • 412 ( 35 %) used organic fertilizer
  • 79 ( 7 %) mix organic and inorganic fertilizers
  • 68 ( 6%) used inorganic fertilizers
  • 173 ( 15%) respondents said that they are not bean farmers

Question 2: “ What variety of fertilizer are you using? ”(so, this is the breakdown of the 13% – that used inorganic fertilizer)

  • 61 (45 % ) used urea
  • 28 ( 21 %) used Minjingu
  • 21 ( 15 %) rused DAP
  •  17 (13 % ) used CAN
  • 9 ( 7 %) used SA


There was also a follow up question to the 462 respondents who mentioned not to use any kind of fertilizers. The following were some of the reasons mentioned;

  • 162 (37%) mentioned costs
  • 89 (20%) mentioned lack of availability of fertilizers
  • 83 (19%) mentioned they believed that fertilizers aren’t needed on a bean farm
  • 40 (9%) said they felt fertilizers are poisonous hence affects the soil
  • 65  (15%)  mentioned other reasons but not specified which are those reasons