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Talking to older farmers about beans…

At the write-shop in Arusha, Tanzania in June 2015 we asked the participants to think about the issues associated with communicating with older farmers.  This blog is the third in a series, previously we explored their thoughts on communicating with women and young people.

This is what the group came up with. Do you agree?

Attitude to farming 

  • Committed to farming versus young people
  • More aware of sustainability = rutuba
  • They are usually the landowners

Communications issues 

  • Need simple language and may not read diagrams easily
  • Cannot easily see small fonts – need larger text
  • Voice may work better than SMS
  • Learn by seeing so demonstrations are important
  • Since they are less energetic they may benefit from more mechanism/ labour saving


  • May need financial support to kick start
  • Like to know about market prices
  • Like things to be available locally
  • More vulnerable to food insecutty
  • Travel from the shamba is more difficult
  • Relate input and outputs

ASHC will be seeking to build up more detailed farmer segmentations over the coming months.


Veronica's father

Veronica’s father