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Wanted 7,500 bean farmers wanted …

Bart Sullivan of Farm Radio International writes:

Good news we have started airing the Maharagwe Bingwa radio spot on Sauti ya Injili radio station!

The radio spots go out at the following times:

Mornings:  6:50  am,  7: 10 am and  11:00

Afternoons/evening :   12:50 pm, 4:10 pm and 8:30 pm

Thats 6 times a day.  This will help us find out when farmers are listening to the radio as we can track responses to each timed broadcast.  The respondents will be interviewed by I-logix to find out the smallholder farmers attitudes to different inputs. This will help I-logix explore interventions to overcome input supply failures or shortcomings.

The Farm Radio International Listening Post is a new and innovative service that can build up detailed information on farming practices through simple interactive techniques. N2Africa has been using the Listening Post to gather rapid data on bean growing habits – the work with I-logix will add a much more in-depth and detailed data gathering exercise.  The N2Africa project was a great help in designing this larger campaign.

Our target is to recruit a minimum of 7,500 farmers who will be interviewed at length. We will keep you posted as it happens.
