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Tuning in … Farm Radio International

Karen Hampson of Farm Radio International writes:

As part of a consortium of organisations, known as the Legume Alliance, Farm Radio International will implement a 12-16 week participatory agricultural radio series to promote a bundle of proven technologies for improved legume production ahead of the October  2015 legume planting season in northern Tanzania.

The Legume Alliance has come together to pilot a new approach to sharing information in jointly delivered campaigns – with multiple media approaches being rolled out simultaneously.

For the 2015 planting season eight organizations are harnessing their collective energies and knowledge to attempt to achieve change at scale in the approaches to planting common beans in Northern Tanzania. Because this campaign is designed to coincide with work by other media providers, all messages will explicitly reference others activities and materials.

FRI will work closely with one regional radio station and key partners (Legume Alliance , government extension, agro-dealers and radio stations) to design, produce and broadcast the radio series before the October 2015 planting season.

The bundle of proven technologies being scaled-up includes promotion of:

·              new legume varieties in common bean

·              purification of seed

·              the regeneration role of legumesin intercrop and rotation

·              the value of P blended fertilizer

·              all good agriculturalpractices from land preparation to post harvest

The radio series will include a range of ICT tools such as the beep2vote, SMS polling, interactive voice-based, and mapping, which will be evaluated for their effectiveness at the end of the project.

This post was first published on the project section of the Farm Radio International website.