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Plantwise plant doctors share ASHC materials

Around 80 integrated soil fertility management factsheets and manuals, developed by ASHC and partners, have been added to the Plantwise Factsheet Library to be sent around the world.

Dannie Romney explains: “Within CABI we have been looking at how greater synergies can be brought between the different projects we support. Plantwise has been developing a Knowledge Bank as a global resource to help combat plant health problems. When we found they were putting out 4,000 sets of their materials on a USB device, we realised this was a wonderful opportunity to collaborate.

Now, anyone using the USB version of the Knowledge Bank will also have access to 80 factsheets and manuals of ISFM and related soil health issues. Whilst much of the focus of Plantwise is on integrated pest management, long-term strategies for healthy plants have to involve investing in soil health. The ASHC materials can really help to do this.”

The USB device is organised with a simple menu that gives offline access to Plantwise Knowledge Bank and ISFM materials library content.

4000 USB devises will be distributed for free to plant doctors, ministry of agriculture staff and other interested parties

Each stick contains 900 factsheets aimed at the non-technical user; 3259 Plantwise technical factsheets that contain more of an ‘encyclopedia’ of scientific information about pests and hosts, in addition to the ASHC materials.

Dannie concluded: “This is a great resources and a wonderful way for ASHC to get its material out to a new audience.”