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Newsletter shares 15 wishes for African soil

To coincide with World Soil Day on 5 December, the Africa Soil Health Consortium has produced a visionary newsletter based on the wishes of 15 people with interesting views on issues relating to soil health.

The newsletter is being supported by a press and social media campaign to make people think again about the soil of Africa.

George Oduor, project manager for ASHC, said:“These ideas are being shared to inspire and perhaps, in some cases, to provoke. They are not necessarily ideas shared or endorsed by ASHC, or our funders, and some are contradictory. But by exploring these big ideas our experts wanted to advocate for the coming year, we hoped it would challenge our thinking.

No one pretends it is easy to deliver these wishes. But imagining an Africa with these few wishes in place means that I can envisage a future World Soil Day that is a genuine cause for celebration.”

Newsletter contents

1 Redefining the research: extension continuum to include smallholders Christian Witt
2 Better packaged research findings for smallholders Charles S Wortmann

3 Who will feed Africa in the future? George Oduor
4 Showing beats telling Peter Okoth
5 Can we keep it friendly? Duncan Sones
6 Share ideas and knowledge Bell Okello
7 Less-labour intensive ways to restore soil fertility Raymond Jumah

8 Fixing Nitrogen from legumes Ken Giller
9 Expanding the benefits on legumes on soils Bashir Jama
10 Fertilizer: The $2billion questions Valerie Kelly
11 Fertilizer subsidy needs to clean up its act Francis Tetteh
12 Organic matter matters Mariana C Rufino
13 Tree wishes Floice Adoyo

14 A human rights perspective on women’s land tenure Margaret Kroma

Capacity building
15 A bigger slice, a bigger cake Marie Rarieya